Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's August? ALREADY?

Time is flying by. Quick update on life:

The weekend was spent moving oldest stepdaughter from 3rd floor walk-up apartment to 3rd floor walk-up apartment down the road. Needless to say I am feeling pretty buff, and proud to say that by the time me, her mom and her dad left the apartment Saturday, it was in pretty good shape for a less than 72 hour spree!

Unrelated, my Trumpette order came today - 3 sets of socks for 2 baby boys and they are just adorable. They also sent me a free pair of little girl slippers - dare I say that's a good sign since I only ordered boy items??

On the adoption front, I spoke with birthmom for the first time yesterday, and then again today. I also spoke to her sister, who she is currently living with. They both seem lovely, and this truly does seem like it's fully Ashley's plan and her family is supportive. So it was a good conversation yesterday - I spoke to both of them for about 45 minutes (more the sister, but I think she's just older and more talkative). BM wants a pretty open relationship, which I think is pretty cool. It makes me a little nervous because she wants to see the baby the whole time she's in the hospital...and after what happened last time, it makes me nervous that she'll change her mind, but I have to respect her decision. She's also making a photo album for me of her and her family so the baby has it - which is AWESOME and I'm really excited about that. Overall, it was a great conversation, and hopefully this is the start of something beautiful!

Then today her sister called my cell while I was in a meeting (and of course I had left my cell in my office) so I get back to find 2 messages.
Message #1: BM is having contractions and they are on their way to the hospital, they'll call back with an update
Message #2: False alarm - she's not even dialated and they sent her home. YIKES!
SO I spoke with her this afternoon and she's feeling fine, but was in a bit of shock since she thought she had another week to go. If baby stays put, we are looking at an August 13th delivery date.


1 comment:

  1. That sounds like wonderful news. I will keep my fingers crossed and check back later!
